Thursday, October 19, 2017


Someone said that my writings change. Duluuu... bahasa dan bahasannya menarik. Sekaraaang... sooo booorrriiiing!
Hadoh, tertohok sayah.

Jadilah saya melakukan analisa. Tulisan yang dia bilang menarik itu kira-kira ketika saya masih sangat muda *eh umur saya 17 tahun loh sekarang *denial*. Alias ketika saya masih kuliah. 

Sementara tulisan yang sooo booorrriiiing itu ketika saya sudah cukup tenggelam dalam pekerjaan. 

So I think I did change. I do change. Sama seperti saya dulu paling enggan menyuruh orang. Sekarang pun masih. Tapi saya sudah lebih percaya diri... dalam menyuruh orang, hahahaa... Tuntutan pekerjaan kali ya.

Dulu saya paling hobi warna hijau. Sekarang pun masih. Tapi sekarang saya juga suka warna oranye. Dulu saya sangat anti warna merah dan kuning. Sekarang saya tidak terlalu khawatir menggunakannya, tentunya dengan shade (apa padanannya ya) yang tidak mencolok. 

Saya percaya teori kesukaan seseorang terhadap warna menggambarkan karakter orang tersebut. Karena warna kesukaan saya bertambah, saya berteori karakter saya pun sepertinya memang berubah ya.

~@Adriana, 171019~

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

StuPidiTy CosTs.... Part 2

September 15, I woke up at 4 a.m., did packing, took a bath, did praying, then checked-out at 6 a.m. 

I went to Kannai station, the nearest JR stations from my hotel, to take the Yokohama line to go to Shin-Yokohama station. Trains came one after another. Wait a minute, why were they all Keihin-Tohoku line? Well, OK, I'll just wait at Yokohama station, maybe the first train departs from the central station, I thought. So I took the Keihin-Tohoku line to Yokohama station. 

But again, trains came one after another, none of them were Yokohama line. Why oh why.....? I came to an officer to ask about the Yokohama line timetable (why didn't I do it two days before???). He just told me to wait at line 4 (well, I already at line 4 for about 1 hour!). Then after some time wandering around, finally I found an information center. Guess what, the first train of Yokohama line departed at 8.39 a.m. from Yokohama station. Darn! I missed my shinkansen train, and since it was a long weekend all the unreserved seats were already occupied. First stupidity cost me 1.5 hours standing in the Shinkansen train from Shin-Yokohama until Nagoya. 

I arrived at Shin-Osaka station, thinking I'd keep my luggage in Osaka station. Then I thought to keep it at subway station near the Osaka Castle. But then, I didn't find any coin locker! Argh! I brought my backpack with me wandering around Osaka Castle! Second stupidity cost me a very tired body. Luckily, there was a luggage storage room near the Osaka Castle ticket vending machine. Thank God!

From Osaka Castle, I then walked to Tenmangu shrine through Tenjinbashi-suji shopping street. I don't recommend you walking from one end to another, it's a very long shopping street, it will cost you broken legs! Ah well, I thought my legs were broken, third stupidity.

I went back to JR Osaka station using the subway line. Just before I bought a ticket, a nice lady came to me and handed me over a ticket. I didn't check the ticket, and I didn't understand what she was trying to say, so I still bought a ticket. In the train then I checked it. It seemed like a one-day ticket, then I realized the lady didn't use it anymore since it was at the end of the day, so she gave it to anyone looked like he/she was going to buy a ticket. In this case, me. Well, fourth stupidity cost me 230 yen, the pass was only valid for subway trains.

Arrived at Osaka station, I then jumped to whatever train said bound to Kyoto. Reached Kyoto about 30 minutes later, around 8 p.m. Then I took a bus to Imagumano bus-stop. My fifth stupidity was that I didn't ask to be picked-up. It was an 8-minutes walking up the "hill" and cost me not only broken legs, but also broken shoulders!

Aside from that, the hostel was very convenient.

... (to be continued)