Monday, May 12, 2008

beinG Down

I hate being down.

Almost four months, and I'm still down. What a bad day i had back then.

*Somebody, save me!

~Seoul, May 12, 2008~


  1. wah, jik suwe aku mbiyen....luwih seko setahun jal..

    insyaAllah Allah will save you, like Allah did to me.. ;D

    semangat may!!!! :D
    pimred terbaikku... (hee ~jelas lha wong mung siji kok pimred dlm 1 angkatan ;p)

  2. hooo... biasa jenenge urip kiy yo ngono kui.. kadang neng ngisor kadang neng nduwur... :))

    nah piye dadi kita neng ujung genteng wae piye.. neng 0mdpl lah.. ben sisan neng ngisor.. :D

    btw, maturnuwun nggo obrolan bersama konco2 didampingi tehbotol dan disekitaran kaliboto.. he..he..

  3. hehe... thx at... yo ketoke aku saiki masih tahap identity crisis :D insya Allah i'll be just fine :)

    tiko, j-co mu bisa kupake sarapan keesokan harinya, hehe... nuwun juga sudah meramaikan kalibata :)
